Submitting material for review

If you would like your album or book to be considered by The Irish Music Review, please first have a look at the reviews that are published on this site and ascertain whether your material is suitable for consideration.

Note that any album which contains a version of either Danny Boy or The Fields of Athenry is not acceptable unless either tune is played as a polka with, preferably, a Klezmer backing band or given a full heads-down-no-nonsense Pogues-style accompaniment. Also be sure to click on the ‘general advice’ link on the index page for further information.

If you’re then convinced that you would like your album reviewed here, please click send a message to reviews, removing the space between ‘reviews’ and ‘@’, to request details of the editor’s postal address (and do give brief details of the album’s music in your message).

Please do not, under any circumstances, send unsolicited MP3 or *.wav files. The last person who did so blocked by mailbox and thereby caused all other messages to bounce back to their senders.

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